Chinese Garden of Friendship, Darling Harbour
Pruning Guide by Ken Lamb – Hard Cover Edition

Chinese Garden Australia

Purchase your copy and enjoy an armchair visit to the Chinese Garden of Friendship in Darling Harbour, following along with Ken Lamb as he embarks on a comprehensive pruning and maintenance of the Chinese Garden of Friendship

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Chinese Garden of Friendship Darling Harbour



Gosford Edogawa Commemorative Garden
by Ken Lamb

A superb visual journey through the Gosford Edogawa Garden with commentary, background and explanations of all aspects of the garden by its designer – Ken Lamb

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Gosford Edogawa Commemorative Garden





Zen and the Way of the Brush
by Ken Lamb

After 45 years of Sumi-e practice Ken Lamb has put pen to paper in this book Zen and the Way of the Brush -an insight into where Sumi-e paintings come from, together with “Zen and the Way of the Brush” booklet- a compilation of Zen poetic insights into Sumi-e illustrated with original Sumi-e artworks by Ken Lamb.

Soft cover 74 pages
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